OPS Re-Branding Package Echo
This is the most basic re-brand asset configuration offered by OPS. Listed below are the new components you’ll receive to get your brand airborne. Echo package includes:
Main Mark
The main mark is your brand's flagship visual. Just as Glossier's simple "G" or Slack's colorful hashtag became synonymous with their brand, we craft a design that encapsulates your unique narrative and stands out in the digital crowd.
Typography sets the tonal stage. Just think of the quirky and approachable typeface of Mailchimp or the minimalistic lettering of Casper. Our tailored type solutions guarantee that your brand’s message is conveyed with both clarity and style.
Icons are the shorthand in a brand's visual language. They're the tiny shopping bags on ASOS or the playful emojis in Discord chats. We design icons that not only simplify user navigation but also echo your brand's ethos in every pixel.
Alternative Marks
Different platforms demand varied brand representations. Like how Spotify uses its full logo and the simplified 'sound wave' icon. We develop alternative marks ensuring your brand is versatile, instantly recognizable, and contextually apt.
Color Story
Colors play a pivotal role in brand recall. Think about the millennial pink of Glossier or the vibrant orange of Monzo. We craft a color story for your brand that’s not just visually delightful but also deeply resonant with your brand's spirit.
How content is structured matters. The ease of navigation on a platform like Airbnb or the immersive scroll on a brand like Allbirds is testament to the power of layout. We design with the user in mind, ensuring optimal engagement and aesthetic coherence.
Sourced Photography
Each photograph tells a brand story. Whether it's the urban landscapes of VSCO or the candid captures on Everlane’s product pages. Our approach to photography ensures your brand narrative is consistent, captivating, and authentic.
Brand Book .pdf
This is your brand's North Star - delivered in a sleek, clear and concise PDF. Similar to how brands like Outdoor Voices provide a cohesive feel across platforms or how Recess maintains its distinct aesthetic, our brand books are detailed roadmaps. They guide every visual decision, ensuring a harmonious brand experience wherever you shine.